VEXO /Documentation

Custom Events

How it works

Having custom events in your app specifically attached to your business is a great way to take analytics to another level.

Custom events in vexo are any events that you want to track outside of generic app behavior, like for example that you just sold an entire cart of items for your e-commerce at $259. It will later get understood by Vexo by analyzing the context of your app while the event was happening, without you having to do anything.

This involves contextual understanding, being that this events happen in one of your screens, for a specific version of your app, on a device with different specs and so on. In our previous example, we'll contextualize the data understanding that 40% of your users that are buying are android users, 60% iPhone users and that your latest release has increased the amount of events happening in 15%.

Custom events dashboard will show normal count of your events, and unique count of your events so that you can understand the distribution of how those events are happening. This means that if a user is sending N amount of the same custom event, the unique count will only add 1.


In order to use custom events, the only pre-requisite is for you to give it a name, which can be anything. In addition, you can provide any optional parameters you'd like.

customEvent('cart-checkout', {
    price: 130.00,
    items: ['Kindle'],
    description: 'Bought Kindle'

As an example with embedded in your app:

import { View } from 'react-native'
import { customEvent } from 'vexo-analytics'

const CheckoutComponent = () => {
    const onSuccessfulPurchase = (items, price, description) => {
        // ...
        customEvent('cart-checkout', {
            price, // $130.00
            items, // ['Kindle'],
            description, // 'Bought Kindle'
        // ...
    return (<View>{...}</View>)
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